The Jetsons Presents COLOUR The Deluxe Edition is now here! For those who don’t already know COLOUR is an all Instrumental EP Produced by the two brightest stars in the sky right now Jim & Mike better known as The Jetsons. The traks chosen for the the deluxe edition of the project are all picked by Mick Majors and JimFats as the best and most recent instrumental offerings produced by the two and include all original COLOURS plus 5 bonus COLOURS. Jim & Mike have come together on what may prove to be the best Jetsons Music release to date. The New Beat Tape blasts off with more Out of This World Brilliant Splashes of Astonishing Musical Color Painted Across the Universe. This latest project was in development since the summer of 2012 and is a space-age soundscaped instrumental EP. “COLOUR The Deluxe Edition” which was acclaimed by DealzMakesBeatz as “COLOURFUL” features 15 full length instrumentals and is available for free download only at our website. “COLOUR The Deluxe Edition” is based on synesthesia, a neurological phenomenon described as the outcome when “one sense gets more information than what’s intended”, stimulated by sensory deprivation. Its something like where every color may invoke a certain feeling just like every song gives off a certain mood or vibe, it is a mixture of senses that causes a person to experience colorful hearing and auditory visions. Give a listen to the new 5 “COLOURS” linked below and give us some feedback on our soundcloudand facebook sites! WIth this project we open our endless whimsical musical vault yet again unto you all with an all new installment sure to be remembered. Click the link below and Please feel free to share, promote, download, write to, remix, create choreography to and spread the word too! The Jetsons have soo much more in store for everyone of you in 2013 and this is just the very beginning for us and we have lots of Wonderful New Music coming soon aswell so please stay dialed in with us as we continue to deliver superior music production for the future yezzurr!